
I am a theoretical linguist with primary expertise in formal syntax and its interfaces with morphology and semantics. Major aspects of my work:

  • the architecture of grammar (the structure of the post-syntactic component, the division of labor between syntax and semantics)
  • microvariation (German dialects), macrovariation/typology; questions about the limits of variation
  • understudied phenomena (e.g., verb doubling, auxiliary doubling, prolepsis, displaced morphology)
  • experimental perspectives on syntactic phenomena (that-trace effects, reconstruction effects, case-matching)

topics I have worked on:

  • long-distance dependencies, relative clauses, prolepsis, resumption, clitic doubling, binding, reconstruction effects, verb clusters, tough-movement, sharing constructions, agreement, the structure of the noun phrase, the structure of participles, doubling phenomena, ellipsis, negation and post-syntactic morphology.

languages I have worked on

  • German, German dialects (esp. Swiss dialects), English, Modern Greek, Bantu languages, Finno-Ugric languages (Mari/Udmurt)