10/2024 | Late Merger of relative clauses – Problems and prospects. Consequences for the derivation of relative clauses. Workshop on Relative clauses: present and future challenges. University of Zurich (invited). |
08/2024 | (with Jonathan Lee and Mark Liberman): Do we EXPECT TO find phonetic traces for syntactic traces? Interspeech 2024, Kos. |
06/2024 | A new perspective on clitic doubling on the basis of Modern Greek. Evidence for a movement-free account . Colloquium talk, University of Göttingen (invited). |
05/2024 | (with Johanna Benz): Against Evacuation Movement in NP-Ellipsis. CLS 60, University of Chicago (poster). |
09/2023 | A new perspective on Clitic Doubling on the basis of Modern Greek. Evidence for a movement-free account. Linguistics Colloquium, Yale University (invited). |
04/2023 | Gisbert Fanselow’s (2001/2003) approach to scrambling. Prospects for base-generation. Workshop on Gisbert Fanselow’s Contributions to Syntactic Theory, HU Berlin. |
03/2023 | (with Johanna Benz & Gesoel Mendes): Against evacuation movement in NP-ellipsis. Penn Linguistics Colloquium 47, Philadelphia. |
01/2023 | (with Lefteris Paparounas): Reciprocal = floating quantifier + anaphor: evidence from Modern Greek. NELS 53, Göttingen (poster). |
11/2022 | Clitic Doubling in Greek. Evidence for and Implications of an Agree-based approach. IGRA-lecture, Department of Linguistics, University of Leipzig (invited). |
10/2021 | (with Doreen Georgi & Marta Wierzba): Challenges of investigating Condition C reconstruction experimentally. NELS 52, Rutgers. |
05/2021 | (with Lefteris Paparounas): First conjunct clitic doubling in Modern Greek – Implications for the theory of clitic doubling, the PCC, and the syntax of first conjunct agreement. Workshop on Agreement in Multivaluation Constructions, Frankfurt. |
05/2021 | (with Lefteris Paparounas): First conjunct clitic doubling in Modern Greek – Implications for the theory of clitic doubling, the PCC, and the syntax of first conjunct agreement. CLS 57, Chicago. |
04/2021 | (with Lefteris Paparounas): First conjunct clitic doubling in Modern Greek – Implications for the theory of clitic doubling, the PCC, and the syntax of first conjunct agreement. GLOW 44. |
04/2021 | (with Lefteris Paparounas): First conjunct clitic doubling in Modern Greek – Implications for the theory of clitic doubling, the PCC, and the syntax of first conjunct agreement. WCCFL 39, Arizona. |
11/2020 | Condition C in German A’-movement. Challenges in experimental research on reconstruction. LingCogSci Colloquium, University of Delaware (invited). |
04/2020 | Against Intervention in English tough-movement – evidence from extraction of the tough-predicate. Chicago Linguistic Society (oral presentation, cancelled due to Corona virus). |
04/2020 | (with Doreen Georgi & Marta Wierzba): An experimental investigation of reconstruction for Condition C in German A′-movement. Chicago Linguistic Society (poster, cancelled due to Corona virus). |
02/2020 | (with Doreen Georgi & Marta Wierzba): An experimental investigation of reconstruction for condition C in German A‘-movement. Linguistic Evidence 2020, Tübingen. |
10/2019 | (with Ekaterina Georgieva and Philipp Weisser): Ellipsis does not bleed Lowering: Evidence from do-support and fragment answers in Finno-Ugric. NELS 50, MIT (poster). |
06/2019 | (with Ekaterina Georgieva and Philipp Weisser): Negative verb clusters in Meadow Mari and Udmurt. 3rd SOUL (Syntax of Uralic Languages), Tartu. |
06/2019 | (with Ekaterina Georgieva and Philipp Weisser): Negation, Adverbial Clitics and the Insertion of a Dummy Copula: Arguments for postsyntactic verb cluster formation in Mari and Udmurt. 3rd Budapest Linguistics Conference (BLINC), Budapest. |
05/2019 | (with Philipp Weisser): The Direction of Allomorphy as a Test for the Direction of Head-Formation. Workshop on Connecting roots and affixes, Masaryk University, Brno. |
05/2019 | (with Ekaterina Georgieva and Philipp Weisser): Negation in Mari/Udmurt verb clusters. An argument for postsyntactic Lowering. GLOW 42, Oslo. |
05/2019 | (with Doreen Georgi & Marta Wierzba): Condition C reconstruction in German A’-movement: experimental results. GLOW 42, Oslo (poster). |
04/2019 | Theories of resumption and locality. Roundtable on Islands, Extraction and Resumption, University of Tübingen (invited). |
03/2019 | (with Ekaterina Georgieva and Philipp Weisser): Ambiguous heads. Optional Clitic Placement in Negated Udmurt Verb Clusters. Workshop on Contrast and opposition in „free“ phenomena, DGfS 41, Bremen. |
03/2019 | The DP vs. NP-debate. Why previous arguments for the DP-hypothesis fail and what a good argument for it should look like. Workshop New horizons in the study of nominal phrases, DGfS 41, Bremen. |
11/2018 | (with Doreen Georgi & Marta Wierzba): Condition C reconstruction in German: Methodological insights and theoretical implications. Workshop on Condition C Reconstruction. Queen Mary University of London (invited). |
11/2018 | (with Ekaterina Georgieva and Philipp Weisser): Two Ways of Repairing the Non-Finality Requirement. Prosodic Inversion and BE-Support in Mari. Workshop on repair in morphosyntax (WORM), Leipzig University. |
10/2018 | (with Doreen Georgi & Marta Wierzba): Reconstruction in German wh-movement. An experimental investigation. NELS 49, Cornell University (poster). |
10/2018 | (with Ekaterina Georgieva and Philipp Weisser): A Reverse Wackernagel Clitic: Negation in Udmurt and Mari Verb Clusters – An argument for the ordering of post-syntactic movement operations NELS 49, Cornell University (alternate/poster). |
09/2018 | (with Doreen Georgi & Marta Wierzba): Reconstruction in German wh-movement. An experimental investigation. CGSW 33, Göttingen. |
09/2018 | Apparent intervention in German Tough-Movement and its Implications. CGSW 33, Göttingen. |
09/2018 | (with Gerhard Schaden): Inflected participles in Alemannic. Workshop on Implicit Subjects and Non-Finite Verb-Forms, Paris 8. |
07/2018 | (with Doreen Georgi & Marta Wierzba): Reconstruction in German A‘-movement. An experimental investigation. SynSem-Colloquium, University of Potsdam. |
05/2018 | Intervention in tough-movement – evidence from German. Kolloquium Syntax and its interfaces, University of Leipzig. |
05/2018 | Displaced morphology in German. An argument for post-syntactic morphology.Guest lecture, Department of Linguistics, University of Stuttgart. |
03/2018 | (with Jana Häussler and Josef Bayer): That-trace effects in German. Unrelated to subjecthood, unrelated to extraction. Workshop on Referential and relational approaches to syntactic asymmetries, DGfS 2018, Stuttgart. |
02/2018 | Intervention in tough-movement. Evidence from German. Not another workshop on verb raising, Leiden (invited). |
01/2018 | Doubling in morphosyntax and what it tells us about grammar. Workshop on Patterns of repetition in language use, Leipzig (keynote). |
09/2017 | (with Gerhard Schaden): The Syntax and Semantics of Inflected Participles in Allemannic German. Workshop Participles: form, use and meaning, 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Zurich. |
06/2017 | (with Gerhard Schaden): The Syntax and Semantics of Inflected Participles in Allemannic German. Workshop `The Language Faculty – La faculté de langage dans les facultés de langues’. Université de Nantes. |
05/2017 | Resumptive Prolepsis – an alternative to long A’-movement in German (and beyond). Guest lecture, Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna (invited). |
05/2017 | Revisiting the NP vs. DP debate. Workshop Köpfigkeit und/oder grammatische Anarchie? Free University of Berlin (invited). |
05/2017 | Displaced morphology in German. An argument for post-syntactic morphology. Syntax-Semantics Colloquium, University of Potsdam. |
03/2017 | (with Roland Pfau and Markus Steinbach): Sign language agreement. Common ingredients, but unusual recipe. GLOW 40, Leiden University. |
03/2017 | Reconciling parasitic participles with displaced morphology: Implications for morphological selection. GLOW 40, Leiden (poster/alternate). |
02/2017 | (with Doreen Georgi): The matching effect in resumption: a local analysis based on Case attraction and top-down derivation. Workshop on order and direction of grammatical operations, Pavia. |
01/2017 | On the limits of variation in West-Germanic verb clusters: Evidence from displaced morphology in German for the existence of clusters with 213 order. Colloquium, University of Göttingen (invited). |
12/2016 | Displaced Morphology in German. Evidence for post-syntactic morphology. Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop (CGSW) 31, Stellenbosch (South Africa). |
10/2016 | Problems with late merged raising relatives – and why late merger should be combined with the matching analysis. GGS 2016, Leipzig. |
10/2016 | Displaced Morphology in German: Evidence for post-syntactic morphology. NELS 47, UMass, Amherst, MA. |
04/2016 | (with Doreen Georgi): Local modeling of the gap/resumptive complementarity under top-down Case attraction. GLOW 2016, Göttingen. |
02/2016 | (with Roland Pfau): The order of Agree and Merge – evidence from sign language agreement. Workshop Sign language agreement revisited: new theoretical and experimental perspectives (AG 7), DGfS 2016, Konstanz. |
01/2016 | (with Doreen Georgi): Complementarity of gaps and resumptives as the result of Case attraction: local modeling under top-down derivation. Séminaire LaGraM, University Paris 8. |
12/2015 | Displaced Morphology in German: Evidence for post-syntactic morphology. Morphology Days 2015, Leuven. |
10/2015 | (with Doreen Georgi): Complementarity of gaps and resumptives as the result of Case attraction: local modeling under top-down derivation. The 11th Syntax and Semantics Conference in Paris (CSSP 2015), Paris. |
09/2015 | (with Doreen Georgi): Local modeling of the gap/resumptive complementarity under top-down Case attraction. Workshop on Obligatoriness, Eleventh International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation, Tbilissi, Georgia. |
05/2015 | 213 verb clusters – Evidence for the existence of a rare cluster type from displaced morphology in German. Workshop on Verb clusters. University of Amsterdam/Meertens Instituut (invited). |
02/2015 | (with Doreen Georgi): Complementarity of gaps and resumptives as the result of Case attraction: local modeling under top-down derivation. Linguistics Seminar Series, University College London (invited). |
12/2014 | 213 verb clusters exist. Evidence from new diagnostics to distinguish V(P)R and the 3rd construction: Misplaced z(u) and short relative clause extraposition in (Swiss) German. Dialect Syntax: The State of the Art, Frankfurt. |
11/2014 | Wenn Deplatziertes genau richtig ist – das Infinitiv-zu im deutschen Verbcluster. Inaugural lecture (as „Privatdozent“), University of Zurich. Stream – Download (mp4) |
10/2014 | (with Doreen Georgi): Case attraction and matching in resumption: Evidence for top-down derivation. Theory of Grammar Colloquium, Department of Linguistics, University of Leipzig. |
09/2014 | (with Doreen Georgi): Case attraction and matching in resumption: Evidence for top-down derivation. CGSW 29, York. |
09/2014 | 213 verb clusters exist – Evidence from misplaced z(u) and short relative clause extraposition in German. CGSW 29, York. |
09/2014 | (with Doreen Georgi): Case attraction and matching in resumption: Evidence for top-down derivation. SinFonIJA, Graz (poster). |
09/2014 | 213 verb clusters exist – Evidence from misplaced z(u) and short relative clause extraposition in German. SinFonIJA, Graz. |
06/2014 | Displaced morphology in German and its implications for the theory of verb clusters. CRISSP Seminar, HUBrussel/KU Leuven, Brussels (invited). |
03/2014 | Deriving mismatches in ATB-movement: Asymmetric extraction + ellipsis. Séminaire de recherche, Department of Linguistics, University of Geneva (invited). |
01/2014 | 213 – 3rd construction or verb cluster? Evidence from misplaced z in favor of a VPR-analysis. Institute Colloquium, Department of Linguistics, University of Leipzig. |
09/2013 | 213 – 3rd construction or Verb Projection Raising? Workshop on Swiss German syntax, Villa Salmi, Arezzo. |
09/2013 | Rule ordering in verb cluster formation. The placement of the infinitival particle te/zu/z. Workshop on Swiss German syntax, Villa Salmi, Arezzo. |
06/2013 | (with Ellen Brandner & Gerhard Schaden): German Double and Triple Compound Perfects. Workshop on aorists and perfects across languages. Poitiers. |
06/2013 | Rule ordering in verb cluster formation. The placement of the infinitival particle te/zu. Department of Linguistics, University of Tübingen (invited). |
06/2013 | Rule ordering in verb cluster formation. The placement of the infinitival particle te/zu. Institute Colloquium, Department of Linguistics, University of Leipzig. |
03/2013 | (with Doreen Georgi): New arguments for top-down derivation in syntax from resumptive drop and case attraction. Top-down-day, University of Leipzig. |
03/2013 | Rule ordering in verb cluster formation. Workshop on the interaction of syntactic primitives, DGfS 2013, Potsdam. |
11/2012 | New evidence for postsyntactic verb cluster formation and a right-branching VP – The case of verb doubling. Colloquium, Department of linguistics, Potsdam (invited). |
11/2012 | (with Jutta Hartmann & Andreas Konietzko): On the Limits of Non-Parallelism in ATB-Movement. Experimental Evidence for strict syntactic Identity. Workshare 2012, Nantes. |
11/2012 | Deriving morphological and reconstruction asymmetries in ATB-movement: Asymmetric extraction + deletion. Workshare 2012, Nantes. |
09/2012 | (with Ellen Brandner and Gerhard Schaden): Zur Syntax und Semantik des doppelten Perfekt aus alemannischer Sicht. IGDD2012, Kiel. |
07/2012 | Economy issues in the analysis of resumption. Why movement and base-generation sometimes compete and why they sometimes don’t. Resumptive pronoun workshop, Hebrew University, Jerusalem (invited). |
03/2012 | Trying to make sense of verb cluster variation. DGfS 2012, Frankfurt. |
02/2012 | (with Jutta Hartman & Andreas Konietzko): On the limits of Non-Parallelism in syntax. Linguistic Evidence, Tübingen. |
02/2012 | (with Jana Häussler, Josef Bayer & Markus Bader): That-trace effects without traces. An experimental investigation. Linguistic Evidence, Tübingen. |
01/2012 | New evidence for postsyntactic verb cluster formation and a right-branching base order. Institute Colloqium, University of Leipzig. |
11/2011 | New evidence for postsyntactic verb cluster formation and a right-branching base order. The 42nd Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society. University of Toronto. |
11/2011 | (with Josef Bayer, Markus Bader & Jana Häussler): That-trace effects without traces. An experimental investigation. The 42nd Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society. University of Toronto. |
06/2011 | (with Josef Bayer & Jana Häussler): That-trace effects without traces. An experimental investigation. CGSW 26, Amsterdam. |
06/2011 | (with Roland Pfau and Markus Steinbach): A non-hybrid approach to sign language agreement. Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory. Venice. |
06/2011 | (with Josef Bayer & Jana Häussler): That-trace effects without traces. An experimental investigation. GGS, Stuttgart. |
05/2011 | (with Josef Bayer & Jana Häussler): That-trace effects without traces. An experimental investigation. Kolloquium, University of Leipzig (invited) |
02/2011 | Deriving reconstruction asymmetries in ATB: A derivational ellipsis account. Invited Lecture, University of Cologne (Linguistischer Arbeitskreis). |
12/2010 | Evidence for semantically active covert head-mvt – Scope in Verb Projection Raising. Workshop on Verb movement: Its nature, triggers and effects. Amsterdam. |
11/2010 | Why resumptive pronouns are distributed the way they are and why Swiss German happens to be interesting in this respect. Invited lecture, University of Goettingen. |
10/2010 | ATB as Asymmetric Extraction + Derivational Ellipsis. The 41st Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society. Upenn, Philadelphia. |
08/2010 | (with Doreen Georgi): DP-internal double agreement is not double Agree: a unification with possessor agreement.GLOW-in-Asia VIII, Beijing |
06/2010 | (with Sjef Barbiers, Ellen Brandner, Olaf Koeneman, Marika Lekakou, Cecilia Poletto, and Gerhard Schaden): Meso-comparative syntax of perfect doubling. 4th European Dialect Syntax Meeting, San Sebastian. |
06/2010 | (with Doreen Georgi): Unifying double agreement and possessor agreement. 4th European Dialect Syntax Meeting, San Sebastian. |
05/2010 | (with Doreen Georgi): Double agreement in possessor doubling – against DP-over-NP and in favor of NP-over-DP. GGS, Berlin. |
04/2010 | ATB as asymmetric extraction + ellipsis. GLOW 33, Wroclaw. |
04/2010 | ATB as asymmetric extraction + ellipsis. SWIGG/KWIGG, Konstanz. |
03/2010 | ATB as asymmetric extraction + ellipsis. Syntaxcolloquium, University of Leipzig (invited). |
03/2010 | (with Doreen Georgi): Double agreement in possessor doubling: against DP-over-NP and in favor of NP-over-DP. Syntaxcolloquium, University of Leipzig . |
02/2010 | An Alemannic challenge to the FOFC. DGfS 2010, Berlin. |
02/2010 | (with Claudia Bucheli): From directional preposition to purpose marker to infinitive marker – on the diachrony and geography of the particles introducing complements of motion verbs in Alemannic. DGfS 2010, Berlin. |
02/2010 | (with Roland Pfau and Markus Steinbach) Sign language agreement is syntactic. the importance of auxiliaries. TIN-dag 2010, Utrecht. |
12/2009 | (with Claudia Bucheli Berger) On so-called verb doubling in Alemannic. General Linguistics Colloquium, University of Zurich. |
11/2009 | ATB as asymmetric extraction + ellipsis. Guest lecture, English Department, University of Tübingen. |
09/2009 | On a movement paradox in verb projection raising. Colloque de syntaxe et sémantique à Paris, Paris. |
09/2009 | (with Ellen Brandner): Die Bewegungsverbkonstruktion im Alemannischen: Wie Unterschiede in der Kategorie einer Partikel zu syntaktischer Variation führen. 3. Kongress der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen (IGDD), Zurich. |
09/2009 | On so-called verb doubling in Swiss German. The hybrid particle go and its implications for the verbal complex and verb projection raising. Workshop on Agreement, doubling, and the DP, Leiden. |
05/2009 | Resumptives and ATB – evidence for CP-coordination and ellipsis. Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop 24, Brussels. |
05/2009 | (with Ellen Brandner): Crossing the lake: motion verb constructions in Bodensee-Alemannic and Swiss German. Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop 24, Brussels. |
05/2009 | Bewegungsparadoxe bei Verb Projection Raising. GGS, Leipzig. |
04/2009 | (with Ellen Brandner): Crossing the lake: motion verb constructions in Bodensee-Alemannic and Swiss German. Swiss Workshop in Generative Grammar (SWIGG), Neuchatel. |
03/2009 | Repair-driven verb movement in English locative inversion. Repair workshop, DGfS 2009, Osnabrück. |
03/2009 | (with Josef Bayer): That-trace effects and resumption as the result of Improper Movement. Repair workshop, DGfS 2009, Osnabrück. |
02/2009 | Whe movement and base-generation compete – on the definition of the Reference Set, the typology of resumption, and ranked economy constraints. TIN-dag 2009, Utrecht. |
01/2009 | (with Ellen Brandner): Crossing the lake: motion verb constructions in Bodensee-Alemannic and Swiss German. Syntax Colloquium, Konstanz. |
11/2008 | Whenn Movement and Base-generation compete: On the definition of the Reference Set, Scope, and the Typology of resumption. Syntax Colloquium, Konstanz. |
10/2008 | Wenn Basisgenerierung und Bewegung im Wettbewerb stehen: Die Definition von Referenzmenge, Skopus und die Typologie der Resumption. Workshop Perspektiven Minimalistischer Syntax, Leipzig. |
09/2008 | (with Ellen Brandner) Crossing the lake: motion verb constructiosn in Bodensee-Alemannic and Swiss German. Workshop European Dialect Syntax III, Venice. |
07/2008 | English Locative Inversion as a V2 residue – a generalized TP and exceptional verb movement.LAGB 2008, Essex. |
07/2008 | English Locative Inversion as a V2 residue – the role of focus and the EPP. Guest lecture, University of Tübingen (invited). |
07/2008 | Why resumptive pronouns are distributed the way they are and why Swiss German happens to be interesting in this respect. Fachbereichskolloquium, University of Konstanz. |
05/2008 | Locative inversion in English as a V2 residue. Syntax Colloquium, University of Konstanz. |
05/2008 | Lokativ-Inversion im Englischen als V2? GGS, Berlin. |
02/2008 | Variation in resumption as an argument for stochastic evaluation. Descriptive and Explanatory Adequacy in Linguistics workshop (DEALl II), Leiden. |
02/2008 | Locative inversion in English as V2. TIN-dag 2008, Utrecht. |
10/2007 | The syntax of resumption in Swiss relatives; on oblique case and variation. invited lecture, Geneva. |
10/2007 | Resumption as copying. Workshop on short wh-words, Konstanz. |
06/2007 | (with Gerd Bräuer, Monique Honegger, Afra Sturm and Nina Zimnik): Didactical writing approaches in the context of «dual literacy» in teacher education. 4th International Conference of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing, Bochum. |
05/2007 | (with Guido Seiler): Variation als Default. Theoretische Implikationen. GGS 25, Konstanz. |
05/2007 | (with Guido Seiler): Variation as the default or the rule? Swiss relatives, revisited. Formal Approaches to Variation in Syntax, York. |
02/2006 | Principle C effects in German relative clauses. TIN-dag 2006 (taalkunde in Nederland), Utrecht. |
11/2005 | Reconstruction for Principle C in German relatives. In favor of a Matching Analysis. SAM2, Utrecht. |
06/2005 | Long relativization in Zurich German as resumptive prolepsis. CGSW (Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop) 20, Tilburg |
05/2005 | Über eine Alternative zur langen A’-Bewegung: GGS 2005, Tübingen. |
04/2005 | Long A’-movement in a resumptive disguise: resumptive prolepsis constructions in German and Dutch: GLOW 2005, Geneva |
01/2005 | On an alternative to long A’-movement in German and Dutch TIN-dag 2005 (Taalkunde in Nederland) 2005, Utrecht. |
12/2004 | Control into finite Clauses as resumption: Console XIII, Tromsoe. |
11/2004 | Control into finite Clauses as resumption. SAM 1 (Syntax AiO Meeting). |
10/2004 | Warum zürichdeutsche Relativsätze interessant sind. Tage der Schweizer Linguistik, Bern. |
07/2004 | Matching in Zürich German relative clauses as distributed deletion; 1st Bilbao-Deusto Conference in Linguistics, Bilbao. |
06/2004 | Matching in Zürich German relative clauses as distributed deletion; TABU-dag 2004, Groningen |
05/2004 | Matching in Zürichdeutschen Relativsätzen als distribuierte Tilgung, GGS 2004, Mannheim |
02/2003 | Extending Holmberg’s generalization? Local A-scrambling in Japanese, Russian and Bantu Inversion, and English possessives. Grammatical Models colloquium, University of Tilburg. |
06/2001 | Nonfinitheit im Amharischen. Kolloquium der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Zürich. |
04/2001 | Empirische und theoretische Probleme der Lokativinversion. Kolloquium der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Zürich. |
01/2001 | Zur theoretischen Modellierung von Lokativinversion. Linguistischer Arbeitskreis, Universität zu Köln. |
Professor of Linguistics
Department of Linguistics
University of Potsdam -
Associate Editor
Natural Language and Linguistic Theory -
Potsdam Morpho-Syntax Lab